Effective problem solving can accelerate your transformation
Especially in today’s economy, fear of failure is real. We’re often inclined to jump on the most-likely-to-succeed solution as soon as we see it.
But how do you know that truly solves the problem? Can you choose the right solution while also laying the foundation for better problem solving in the future?
Improve your lean transformation with an A3 approach. It gives you a different perspective and frees you to experiment, learn and try multiple solutions before settling on the best one(s).
What is A3 thinking?
A3 thinking is a problem-solving methodology, not just a summary on A3-size paper. Used effectively, A3 thinking helps teams look at a problem and make decisions about solutions in a new way.
Simpler’s A3 problem-solving process expands the traditional six steps to nine. On A3 paper, this would appear as nine boxes.
1.Reasons for action
Define the problem itself. Include why it’s important to the business and the areas affected.
2.Initial state
Describe the current situation. This description sets the baseline against which you’ll measure your results.*
3.Target state
Create clear, specific goals based on attributes you can measure.*
4.Gap analysis
Identify potential root causes that explain why the target state is different from the current one.
5.Solution approach
Develop and document potential solutions that could solve the most important elements of the problem.
6.Rapid experiments
Test by running pilot projects to validate potential solutions, making sure they can close the critical gaps and propel you toward the target state from step 3.
7.Completion plan
Document how you will implement the solution. You’ll manage the project according to the tasks, owners, and due dates in this plan.
8.Confirmed state
Verify that you’ve met the target state and truly solved the problem.*
9.Lessons learned
Reflect on insights you’ve gained through the cycle.
The magic happens in boxes 6 and 9
To get more out of A3 problem solving, teams can zero in on steps 6 and 9 at a deeper level. Steps 6 and 9 give people the freedom to redefine potential solutions as often as necessary.
Step 6, rapid experimentation, enables teams to fail fast and small. This approach provides opportunities for learning and incorporating findings into later experiments. Ultimately, this leads to a better and thoroughly tested solution.
Experimenting does more than yield a solid solution. It also contributes to the team’s knowledge of the problem and others like it.
In step 9, teams capture what they’ve learned from the entire process, including experiments. As a designated step, “lessons learned” is a true element of A3 thinking, rather than an afterthought.
Boxes 6 and 9 can rewire thinking and create opportunities
It’s natural to look for solutions that are likely to succeed. However, when working on problems that aren’t high risk, teams are in a good position to reflect on potential solutions without bias.
Step 9’s retrospective look at the process enables the team to examine and document what worked and what didn’t. Solutions that don’t work provide information that leads to better solutions. Experimenting also reduces the stigma associated with imperfection.
The A3 approach sets the stage for candid reflection and valuable insights. Because the team failed together and solved together, they are likely to evaluate their mistakes and lessons honestly.
This type of iterative problem-solving trains people to experiment, adjust, and solve. What’s more, A3 thinking creates a culture where people feel free to try, fail, and learn, which expands an organization’s potential for continuous improvement.
Experts in A3 thinking can help you maximize your potential
Your problem solving shouldn’t feel as complex as the problems themselves. An expert can help you use A3 thinking effectively, so you solve your problems the right way the first time.
Simpler drives your lean transformation and enhances your culture with A3 thinking. We share insights and transfer knowledge to your teams as we instill a mindset of continuous improvement.
Our experts meet you where you are. Let us tailor a plan that transforms your business and helps you solve problems effectively throughout your organization. Ready to get started? Contact us today.